Monday, February 2, 2009

Technology and Me

My main interactions with technology would definately have to be video games. Growing up as a child, all I can really remember is either running around in circles outside or playing with my Nintendo system.

Games aren't really bad for children, and my parents didn't seem to mind too much as long as I was not in front of the TV for hours on end. Playing Nintendo taught me hand-eye coordination, as well as the need to destroy all aliens I may encounter.

Growing up a little more, I began using the computer for internet and Word programs for school. As my dad worked as a computer programer, he was always quick to show me complex steps on our fast 255 mghz PC.

Throughout High School and college, cell phones and cars took precidence as the lead uses of technology in my life. Though I have never really used my phone for more than texting or calling people (as that is what a phone was created for), I understand how the newer models are replacing the idea of what exactly a phone can do.

Technology has always been present in my life. As I grow older, I expect it to become a larger and larger force at work being integreted into everyday society.

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