Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blue Group

I recently realized how important technology is in the classroom. I never thought it was unimportant, I just never thought about it. Technology is all around me. Technology is frustrating and expensive sometimes but it helps in most aspects of my life. I like technology because it usually focuses on making a task have quality and efficiency.
I think technology is a great tool in the classroom. Like we talked about in class, it is only a tool, it needs someone to used it for the correct tasks at the correct time. The use of technology makes learning a better experience and seems to be more efficient. I would rather have my future classroom taking a look at the next powerpoint slide instead of watching me erase the chalkboard.
This view of technology in the classroom is similar to my technobiography. My typing class in second grade, my cell phone, my GPS, and my car all help me accomplish tasks in a timely manner with better quality than before. Technology is great and is a necessity to keep up with the rest of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin, my views on technology seem to be really in line with yours. Often, we take for granted the most basic technology (like electricity) because we're so focused on the latest and most high tech products.

    There are so many innovations that I think will help us in the future as educators. Not only will they save us time but they'll enable us to focus more on our students' reactions to information we're presenting to them.
